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Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Buddha Yogpeeth

Authentic 200 YTT in Rishikesh the world capital of Yoga

A Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) credential is earned by yoga teachers whose training and teaching experience meet Yoga Alliance standards.

Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, India

Welcome to Buddha Yogpeeth’s Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, a transformative journey designed to deepen your practice and equip you with the skills to teach yoga with confidence and compassion. Our online program brings the essence of our renowned in-person training to the comfort of your home, allowing you to immerse yourself in the study of yoga at your own pace and convenience.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India with RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certification

Our online course is designed to fit into your busy schedule. With lifetime access to course materials, you can study at your own pace, revisit lessons, and practice whenever it’s convenient for you. Whether you are a full-time professional, a busy parent, or someone with an unpredictable schedule, our flexible learning format ensures you can pursue your yoga teacher training without compromising your commitments.

Embark on a life-changing journey with our Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. Deepen your practice, expand your knowledge, and become a part of a global community dedicated to sharing the transformative power of yoga. Enroll today and start your path to becoming a certified yoga teacher from the comfort of your home.

Course Overview of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Course Name Online/ Self Paced 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Level Beginner to Intermediate
Yoga Style Multi-style Yoga
Duration 1 Year
Language of Instruction English
Certification RYT 200 - Yoga Alliance USA & India
Course Fee Foreginer - 620 155 $
Indians - 52000 13000 INR

Key takeaways:

  • Gain comprehensive knowledge of yoga philosophy, anatomy, postures, yogic sciences, meditation and pranayama techniques.
  • Courses are led by some of the finest teachers and gurus in India, mastered in yoga science & Ph.D. with many years of yoga teaching experience from various countries around the world.
  • Some of our gurus are direct descendants of Himalayan yogis and the guidance from such yogis can not only help us in terms of yoga but also show us a light towards an enlightened path of life.
  • We provide additional enriching content beyond the practice of physical asanas to offer a well-rounded and holistic learning experience, such as:

  • Fundamental principles of Ayurveda
  • Yogic philosophy exploration
  • Methodologies for effective yoga teaching
  • Mantra chanting and Kirtan
  • Schedule & Fee: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India


      DATES Shared/Private Indian Price
      4 - 26 Aug 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Sep 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Oct 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Nov 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Dec 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Jan 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Feb 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Mar 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Apr 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 May 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR
      4 - 26 Jun 620 155 USD 52000 13000 INR

    What Does The Course Fee Include?

    200 hour high quality pre-recorded course videos

    1 or 5 year access

    Unlimited Daily live classes for one year(Optional)

    Live Q & A Session on 1st & 3rd Saturday every month

    Study Materials

    Yoga alliance Accreditation

    Compatible with Mobile, Desktop and Tablets

    Major Style Of Yoga And Other Classes You Learn!

    • Classical Hatha Yoga
    • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
    • Body Alignment
    • Teaching methodology and sequencing

    200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh - Refund Policy

    If you have paid the advance course fees and you are not able to come on your booking date please inform us so that we can recommend you the next upcoming date for the course but the fees will be not refunded.

    200 Hour YTT Course - Syllabus

    Mantra Chanting

    Mantra is designed with a collection of sacred words from ancient wisdom of yogis to synchronize your vibrations and consciousness that produce potent spiritual, mental, and physical benefits. Numerous types of Mantras exist, each serving distinct purposes. In this learning journey, you will explore:

    • The art and science of Mantra
    • Understanding the power of Mantras
    • The process of creating Mantras.
    • The non-religious nature of Mantras and their focus on sound vibrations.
    • Om chanting
    • Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
    • Gayatri Mantra
    • Guru Vandana (prayer to Guru)
    • Prayer before class and Meal.
    Cleansing techniques (Shat karma)

    Pranayama involve regulating the breath often known as breath control.As the practical aspect is captured by the defination it is not sufficient to convey the complete essence of the term.The word "pranayama" originates from two roots: 'Prana,' which signifies vital energy or life force, and 'Ayama,' which means expansion or extension.

    Ashtanga Yoga

    Ashtanga the modern-day form of classical Indian Yoga was developed by K. Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century. Dynamic practice with breath awareness and mindful movements was passed down by his teacher, Krishnamacharya is a way of revealing the universal self for internal purification, this practice consists of eight spiritual practices that are in syncs with the movements of our body with the breath and mind. We will provide youwith a comprehensive Ashtanga Manua that would guide you through the details.

    Hatha Yoga

    Practiced by the Himalayan Masters for countless millennia and also regarded as regarded as one of the most beneficial forms of exercise globally Hatha yoga helps with weight loss, improving health and overall condition of the body. At our school, you practice according to your strength and flexibility under the guidance of expert teachers as it is considerd to be one of the difficult part of learning yoga.

    Shatkarma (Internal Cleansing)

    Shatkarma is derived from two words: "Shat" meaning six, and "Karma" meaning action, It's highly effective traditional Yogic cleansing techniques to clean all the toxins that our body constantly produce to maintain good health and wellness.

    • Candle Meditation
    • Mantra chanting meditation
    • Breathing meditation
    • Bhajan/Kirtan
    • Trataka
    • Silence practise meditation
    Human Anatomy

    The function of organs and systems along with Understanding the fundamental structure has a significance in a life of a yoga practitioners, enhancing their role of being a yoga guru. In this we will help you understand the Knowledge of diverse joint types and their range of motions that will empowers you to practice yoga safely thus preventing injuries and ensures the safety your future students when you begin your journey as instructors.

    • Types of bones
    • Circulatory system
    • Types of heart block
    • Skeletal system
    Yoga Philosophy

    It's very important to understand that Yoga philosophy extends beyond the confines of the Yoga. There are profusion numbers of Yogic texts that hold valuable wisdome and during the course we would help you cover these topics nurturing a profound impact on your life's journey.

    Teaching Methodology

    Becoming a yoga teacher in not an easy task we will help you master the art of teaching through a detailed methodology to conduct a yoga class with posture correction and a lot of questions that could be asked during your instructor class.

    • How to conduct a class
    • Classroom management
    • How to get in and come out from the posture
    • How to assist & help while teaching the class
    • Which kind of words you should be used as a yoga teacher
    • What makes you different than other teachers in terms of teaching.
    • Which kind of asanas you should recommend with a different health issue
    • How to use belts, bolster, bricks and chair during the class adjustment.

    Daily Schedule

    Sample Schedule

    5:30 - 7:00 AM Traditional Ashtanga
    7:20 – 8:20 Mantra chanting
    8:30 – 9:30 Pranayama & Shatkarma
    9:30 – 10:30 Breakfast
    10:30 – 11:30 Free Time / Additional Class / Massage
    11:30 – 12:30 Iyanger Yoga flow
    12:30 – 2:00 Lunch
    2:00 – 3:00 Free Time / Additional Classes (prenatal session and sound healing)
    3:00 – 4:00 Human Anatomy
    4:00 – 5:00 Yoga Philosophy
    5:15 – 7:15 Traditional Hata Yoga with adjestment, Alignment & Teaching Methodology
    7:15 - 8:15 Dinner

    Online Yoga Teacher Certification With Yoga Alliance

    It is crucial to choose a yoga school that meets all the required standards for yoga education when earning your online yoga teacher training certification.

    The answer is Yoga Alliance. This non-profit association based in the USA plays a vital role by providing accreditation to online yoga teacher certification courses, such as the 200-RYT, 300-RYT, and 500-RYT, conducted by yoga studios worldwide.

    Yoga Alliance sets the necessary standards for yoga training. To meet these standards, you must ensure that your course includes the required amount of study time and adheres to the established guidelines.

    The minimum requirement to teach yoga at any yoga studio is completing a 200-Hour yoga teacher training course at a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school. This certificate qualifies you to apply immediately for your Yoga Alliance RYT certification. Recognized globally, this certification is essential for anyone aspiring to teach yoga professionally.

    Benifits of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

    • It gives meaning to your life and helps you live a life more motivated and healthy for the rest of your lives.

    • 200 hour teacher training will help you gain self- confidence and help you fight negative elements within you.

    • It helps to control your envious and self destructive attitude.

    • In monetary terms it can help you a lot as you can teach other people how Yoga is properly done.

    • It helps you fight against the stressful live of the 21 st century, and a lead a positive life.

    Yoga has introduced a new approach which is also known as the art of living . Practicing and preaching yoga is definitely a noble profession . This discipline has the answer to many incurable diseases. Besides, yoga also helps to maintain and regulate various body functions . It helps keeps old people fit from stiffness of joints. Various activities are encompasses in the 200 hour yoga TTC program. These 200 hour is sternly under discipline, as there are various norms that one has to abide by, while under this 200 hour yoga training program.

    There are proper stipulate hour for each activity , there are meal hour, mantra chanting period and at the weekends, people can visit nearby places for recreation . Practicing yoga would definitely wipe out all the stress and toxicities of your life. It would help discover you inner self and potentials, which you never knew existed in your system. Beginners are taught right from the basic level asanas that they would not face any problem . Other than asanas, meditation is also taught as a part of the course.

    Please contact us to find out more about our yoga courses and retreats.